January_February_Spire_2017 - page 1

The Spire
Noroton Presbyterian Church
2011 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820
Dear Friends,
Each New Year I remember the words of a friend and
mentor which he attributed to the Jewish philosopher,
Hannah Arendt. “
We live between a past we cannot change
and a future we cannot control.
” These words are true for
us as a faith community, for our families or groups of signif-
icant others, and for us as individuals as well. I have talked
with a number of people over the years who worry about
both the past and the future. And, truth be told, I do the same
thing. I invite you to consider a few thoughts.
First, we can learn a great deal from our history. Our experiences and our
relationships – both positive and negative – have formed who we are. While we
cannot change what has happened in the past, we do not have to dwell on the
past. We can change how we think about the past. We can take the opportunity
to learn from our experiences and relationships and hopefully use what we learn.
Spiritually, we have been given a new life in Jesus Christ. Paul says, “
Therefore, if
anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here
(2 Corinthians 5:17).
Second, we do not know what the future will bring. Some people tend to be op-
timistic about the future, others tend to be pessimistic, and still others fall some-
where in between. Try as we might, we ultimately cannot control the experiences
of our lives or the people in our lives. Some things may go well and according to
our plans while other things may not go so well or according to our plans.
This brings me to my third thought – so then, if we cannot change the past or
control the future, how do we live life? Paul’s words in Colossians 2:6-7 continue
to echo in my mind. “
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to
live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were
taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
” We live life actively acknowledging that
Jesus Christ is Lord. We root ourselves, like a plant or tree, in the solid founda-
tion of the Scriptures. As such we, as individuals and a community, become built
up or formed in him based on living into the teachings we have received and living
out those teachings in all of life. In addition, we live lives with thanksgiving – know-
ing that God is with us in all the circumstances, experiences and relationships we
In the midst of our life together, as followers of Jesus Christ, and as a congrega-
tion in transition, my hope is that we can learn from the past and trust Jesus to be
with us as we walk into 2017.
Pastor John H. Seiders
Interim Pastor
January/February 2017
Worship Schedule
8:00 am - Chapel
9:00 & 10:30 am Sanctuary
5:00 pm Horton Hall
Upcoming Preaching Schedule:
Pastor Brandi
(one service at 10:30 only)
Pastor Hanna Massad
Sermon Series:
Table Talks with Jesus
Luke 5:27-32 Pastor John
Luke 7:36-50 Pastor John
Luke 9:10-17 Pastor Jimmy
Luke 11:37-54 Pastor John
Luke 14:1-14 Pastor John
Luke 14: 15-24 Pastor John
Luke 22:24-30 Pastor Brandi
Table of Contents
Spiritual Formation.................................2
Caring &Women’s Ministries...........3-4
Faithful in Prayer.....................................5
Children’s Ministry.............................5-6
Youth Ministry.........................................7
Mission Ministry............................. 10-11
Congregational Life Ministry....... 12-13
Nominating Team........................... 14-15
NPC News ........................................... 16
NPC Event Calendars................... Insert
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