October Spire 2013 - page 1

heard a story
that made me
smile and then,
sigh. It was
our first week
back in the Sanctuary.
Two new attendees were sitting
near each other. One was an older
woman who had been attending our
church for about 6 months, the other
one was a mother of a baby who
had just attended Noroton for the
first time. When the service ended,
the young mother wanted to pick
up her child from the nursery but
needed help finding her way through
our confusing maze of hallways and
stairs to the room where her child
had been dropped off (which we
had to move this summer further
down the hall in the CE wing as we
turned the old nursery into our new
utilities room). The slightly more
experienced attendee offered to
help the new mother. During the
course of this helpful journey, the
older woman who thought she knew
the way got lost! Oh my. We know
we have trouble with our layout, and
confusing visitors is just one of our
Confusing layouts, tired roofs
and boilers, inadequate space for
meetings are just some of the fifty or
so reasons we are ready to transform
our facilities with a new site plan,
parking lay out, and large rear
entrance. Our plans have gone to
the proper town boards and as soon
as we receive permission to build, we
will send out the project for bids and
start construction. Our members
have been especially generous and
we are ready to get going, probably
early in 2014. Some churches find
temporary housing when doing major
remodeling. But we have a Nursery
School, Tot Drop, active Student and
Children’s ministry and Adult Bible
studies to operate, so we will stage
the construction through 2014 and
early 2015 allowing us to still worship,
educate, host AA and do as much as
we can while we are “in transition.”
As upsetting as transitions can be,
(just ask anyone with a torn up
kitchen how much “fun” it was) the
Bible reminds us that “there is a
time to plant and a time to uproot.”
I guess in 2014 we will be a bit
“uprooted” around here. I know our
staff and members will work hard to
make the best of it. Like any family
remodeling a home for the better, or
like a young couple expecting their
first child - there will be some “pain”
The Spire
October 2013
Noroton Presbyterian Church
2011 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820
Transitions Around
the Corner
Worship Schedule
Chapel - 8:00 a.m.
Sanctuary - 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Open Doors (in Sanctuary) - 5:00 p.m.
Upcoming Preaching Schedule:
10/6/13 - Confirmation Sunday
Pastor Greg Doll
10/13/13 -
Pastor Sam Schreiner
10/20/13 -
Pastor Brandi Drake
10/27/13 -
Pastor Sam Schreiner
Upcoming Baptism Dates:
10/20 and 11/17 10:30 a.m.
Sanctuary service.
To schedule a
Baptism please call Leslie Ezzo at
203-655-1451, ext. 33.
Table of Contents
Anniversary ...............................3-4
Adult Spiritual Formation.....................5
Caring &Women’s Ministry.............6-7
Children’s Ministry.............................7-8
Youth Ministries..................................7-9
NPNS..................................................... 10
Tot Drop................................................ 11
Congregational Life Ministry............. 12
Membership Ministry.......................... 13
Music & Fine Arts................................ 13
Mission Ministry................................... 14
NPC Calendar of Events.................... 15
NPC News & NPC Staff ................... 16
continued on page 2...
1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,...16
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