November/December Spire - page 6

November 11, 2017
A Thought for Today
Dear Veterans,
Those of us who have not served
will never fully understand
the sacrifices you have made
both in times of peace and war.
We will never fully understand
what you were required to do
or how you were able to do it.
We will never fully understand
the sacrifices and service of your families and friends.
If scars exist for you and your loved ones,
we will never fully understand the depth of them.
But what we can offer you is this:
We see you.
We acknowledge you.
We thank you from humble hearts.
And we pray that you and yours will know the love of
God, and the peace of God that passes all understand-
Wishing you a very happy and meaningful Veterans Day,
from the H.E.R.O.E.S. Care Team
on behalf of your whole NPC family
(Jim Haffner, Evie Knight, Leslie Lloyd,
Tom Mao, Pete Roux, Emily Shute
and Cindy Terry)
Prime Timers
(for those in their 50's, 60's, 70's +)
Many thanks to Occupational Therapist, Susan
Demark for sharing at our October session her
expertise and enthusiasm for safe engagement and
independence as we age.
Thursday, November 16, 2:00-3:30 pm
- Prime
Timers features a very special presentation from long
time NPC member Carol Tamme:
Puritans, Beavers, Separatists and the
Overwhelming Smell of Tar."
Who were the voyagers on the Mayflower
that sailed to America? Was the good
Christian Plymouth Colony a success
because of communal property? How
could an ordinary Englishman who
survived a hurricane, a Bermuda Triangle
shipwreck, and a near hanging be of any help on the
Mayflower voyage and to the Plymouth Colony.
All of these questions and more will be discussed by
Mayflower Speaker's Guild member Carol Wilder-
Tamme in the character of Constance Hopkins, a
Mayflower traveler.
Join us
December 14 at 12:30 pm
for a festive
Advent Luncheon and time to celebrate with
Christmas caroling.
Let us know if you would like to bring your favorite
Christmas cookies to share!
For more information contact Marlene at
203-309-5620 or
or Marion at
Caring Ministry
Celebrate Recovery
Monday nights from 8 to 9:30 pm in the Fine Arts Center.
Celebrate Recovery is a national Christ-centered ministry to help people find freedom from hurts, habits and
hang-ups including addictions, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors, pain from the past and attitudes that
separate us from God and others. The evening includes music, fellowship, teaching and/or testimonies followed
by confidential group time to share our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. Each gender-
specific group is led by two trained group leaders who have been through training and the Celebrate Recovery
process. Anyone over 18 is welcome to attend. Contact: Stacy Arevalo at
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